This blog will be about my day to day thoughts, whats going on in my life, my families lives, or about nothing in particular. Just my blog. Let me fill you in on whats current.
*Oh and by the way, please no comments on my poor grammar or spelling. I really hate that.*
I'm 24 years old and just became a new Mum on October 15th 2008. Sakura Autumn Player came into this world at 8:08 weighing 6lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long. She's the Sun, the Moon and the Stars to me. I never really understood my life or my purpose on earth until she arrived. I had lost a child four years prier, Damien. Loosing him left me shattered and lost for a long time. There will always be a hole in my heart where he was meant to be. But having Sakura here in my arms has helped heal allot of that hurt from having them empty for so long. It was a long, hard, high risk pregnancy. I owe my husband Bobby allot for without him she would not be here. Being on bed rest for all those months, daily shots, weekly doctor visits and my constant preggie nagging. If there was a husband of the year award it would have gone to him. He has always been my hero and someone I look up to.
We currently live in Ashburn, VA. I fell in love with Virginia the moment I saw the cherry blossoms. I've never been a big fan of spring but that was spring in Utah. Spring in Virginia is like an explosion of color. Flowers everywhere of all sizes, shades and shapes. If you have allergy's I warn you this is the worst time to visit. But all who don't I welcome you to visit during April-May. Especially April during the Cherry blossom Festival. I named my daughter Sakura for many reasons. But you can guess the obvious ones. I'll have photos of her up soon in her Blossom Photos. She'll have them done once a year during the festival time. And of course around her birthday in October. >_<)/ I love that I get to have costume birthday parties every year!