Where to start?
Our trip to Utah went well. Sakura was good both on the way out and back. Surprisingly no problems. Lots of people from the plane commented on how sweet and quiet she was. It was however exhausting going from one place to another with so much stuff. And she had allergy's which made her a bit of a fuss.
It was great seeing my family and some of my friends. I was a bit disappointed some of my friends that mentioned they wanted to see me never ended up contacting me. However my two good friends Amanda and Megan showed up for some grub at Corby's mother's restaurant; Bread Stix in Midway. Which I might add was delicious. :)
Then Amanda stayed over tell 1am chatting with my mother and I whilst I drank some wine. It was nice just to chat and relax. I actually got my mother to open up about some controversial subjects. Its interesting being an "adult" so to say and talking to your mother about what once were taboo subjects in the house. I got allot of perspective and I see my mother in a whole new light.
All and all it was a good trip and I wish we could have stayed longer. Hopefully sometime soon Bobby can join us next trip... Now here comes the reason I haven't felt like blogging for awhile. During our trip away my dear over working, paranoid * but in a cute way* husband was typing away on a document under our coffee table he was using as a desk. He had a sudden sharp pain in his spine which caused him to attempt to sit up. He did so quickly and came back down hitting the left side of his head on the corner of our very hard wooden coffee table. He fell back and couldn't get up for awhile. He had a headache but just pushed if off an a silly accident. But that silly accident turned into something much worse two days later. He wasn't feeling well so I was driving him to work. I drove myself back to work and moments after sitting down I get a call from him... lets just say I spent the majority of the day w/him in the ER. He had some kind of amnesia episode. Bad enough he couldn't remember me, where he lived,the current president, what year it was. It was bad. But as time progressed some of it came back to him. They did scans and an MRI. No internal damage was done that they could see. He's seen a neuroligst which wants to see him back for an EEG but now currently two weeks later he's about 90 %. He still feels there's holes in things here and there. The doctor can't really say what happen but that it was probably due to the concussion he had. They couldn't tell me if it would happen again either. Whatever it was, it was scary. For a short time I felt like I had lost my husband. Imagine the person you love the most having no idea who you are? Everything you've done together, been through, everything gone. Anyway, its taken some time to come down from this month to say the least. All my friends have been supportive and I thank those I haunted w/calls or txt. I hope this is the last of this we have to deal with.
Sakura was sent to Grandma P.'s for the Memorial day weekend and my husband and I took some much needed alone time. I finally got to see the new Star Trek movie. Which was awesome. Totally want to see it again. Young Spok was hot. And I love the uniforms.
I also went and see Angels and Demons w/my friend Anjella. That was a fun ladies night out however I was a little disappointed about the movie. But rarely does a movie surpass the book its based on so for what it was it was okay.
I've had to miss two Witchcraft 301 classes and one week our teacher was out on vacation. So I don't have anything new to report on that end. I started this class doing all the home work but have become a flunky the last few weeks due to all the crap that's been going on. I know eventually I'll have to retake the course. There is allot of material to cover and learn. But I've enjoyed it so far. Next class is on Runes I believe.
Lastly I'm currently working on loading all of Sakura's photos to an online data base for storage. I'm going to order prints finally and do a scrap book or two. I would have had one done by now but its been crazy. :) We finally have Sakura's new crib up and I don't think she likes it. The play and sleep she was in before had a little hoody that hung over it and the crib is nice and wide open in comparison. So I've had a few rough nights of crying but I think she's adjusting. I'll put photos up soon. So thats all for now. More soon.